
Mark Sampson

Mark Sampson, opera singer and entrepreneur, was educated at the University of British Columbia, Accademia di Belle Arti di L'Aquila, Indiana University in Bloomington, Opera Lyra Ottawa, Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Leipzig, and the Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Rostock.

As a singer, Mr. Sampson made his european debut as Filippo II in Verdi's Don Carlo in Madrid. This led to fest engagements various german A and B houses. Roles included a wide range: from Don Giovanni, the title role, as well as Leporello, Masetto and Commendatore; in Cosi Fan Tutte, both Guglielmo and Don Alfonso, Sarastro in Die Zauberfloete, Frank in Fledermaus, etc. He also enjoyed success in musical theater in 80 Days around the World, and Jesus Christ Superstar in Vienna with special guest Tim Rice.

Mark is the director and founder of Berlin Opera Academy, Saluzzo Opera Academy, among a number of other academies. Outside of singing Mr. Sampson holds a degrees in mathematics, pedagogy, singing, is fluent in English, French, German and Italian, won or received top placement in international physics and math competitions. He also has an interest in castles and made an attempt on Mount Everest.